It seems like all hell is breaking loose. Haiti, Chile, Andrew, then Michael, and now Corey. This blog, which was meant to be a place of happiness and escape, has become an obituary column.
I’m depressed too. But my only way out, what has always been my only way out, is my dreams and my work. And if you are in the midst of a horrific depression, please find something, anything to do. Start small. Sometimes just picking up a couple of things and putting them where they belong is enough to do it.
I’m so sorry for Corey and his family. I hope the guy that molested him gets what he deserves soon. If he hasn’t already.
P.S. We’re also going to be contributing 20% of the 50% that comes in via donations to Chile, who seems to have a handle on their situation a bit better than Haiti. We haven’t ignored Chile, I’m just slow updating the news and main pages of the website.
So far, since we announced the plan to give to Haiti, NOTHING has come in, so we’ve had nothing to give. I don’t know if people are waiting until the three month period is up to just give to us, or they’re giving directly to Haiti and Chile.
I’m going to believe that’s the case, that people are giving directly, and I can be happy with that. Thanks to all who’ve given!
Our sincerest wishes and prayers going out to Marie Osmond and her family on the death of her son Michael.