Someone (perhaps more than one someone; perhaps a company, perhaps even a network or two) is going to receive and finally unwrap and open a 100 million dollar PLUS present this year.
Unfortunately, it’s not going to come free. Just the proverbal Ethiopian scam, it’s going to require an initial investment of belief, risk, time, and some money.
Unlike the Ethiopian scam, it’s not a scam. The lucky winner will be investing in many good highly talented people and an even better idea, and it will pay off in many more ways than mere cash.
The recipient will have put at least 80 people to work part time, and for many months out of the year, even more full time.
They will receive the thanks and kudos of hundreds of worldwide TV and music critics as well as multi-millions of TV viewers begging for reality television that isn’t either total complete crap about talentless creeps, hateful freaks, or hosted by male underwear models who, to this day don’t have a real estate OR contractors’ license but play BOTH on HGTV (you know who you are).
They will participate in creating television that will receive the personal fandom and guaranteed viewership of Hillary Clinton. Guaranteed.
They will be responsible for helping one of Hollywood’s most beloved Oscar-winning actresses to reconnect for the first time to a rock and roll audience of hundreds of millions worldwide.
More than that, they will be giving hundreds of millions of people of all ages worldwide hope that they too can remain or even become productive and relevant and highly desired and popular in their later years. Women mostly, but men too.
But most of all, they will be giving the world an unlikely “family” that will prove the American Dream can and will come true for everyone who works as hard as they can and never gives up until they reach their dreams.
No matter the overwhelming odds against them.
Brilliant music; brilliant never-before-seen reality television with a heart about talented people with handicaps of age, health, and politics; brilliant voices who have never stopped trying to make the world a better place (even stridently) just to succeed.
Real people in real lives who care deeply about this country, this world, this planet and aren’t afraid to speak their minds.
And with a contest that will interest every single family in the country. Watching hints in every episode to win. Money. Prizes. Cash. Trips.
Compelling television. Compelling reality. America at its finest, on the cusp of regaining magnificence and moral authority and exporting the world’s number one music phenomenon to the world. Once again.
A tall order. But it’s here.
Will you be the one to open it? To bring it to your company? To fight for it at your network?
A man called Simon Cowell took a tarted up version of second-rate syndicated “Star Search” to England where no one had ever heard of Ed McMahon and the result was a program, which, re-imported to the US became “American Idol”.
A phenomenon.
It will happen again. But you have to be able to get it when you see it.
The American TV audience is hungry for something its been denied for decades, foisted off to the ghettos of less than a handful of TV cable channels.
Music. Real music, not just 40’s soundstage music videos, fantastic as they are. They too in time have become boring.
So the coming phenomenon can’t be just another rock band.
But it just might be the rock band up the street. Reno’ing that derelict abandoned Schwarzeneggar mansion on that mountain in Las Vegas, being slowly demolished as you read. You know, the band with that incredible girl
who sings with Starship. And that unbelievable rocking soul singer who’s number one throughout the Orient, South America, and the Mideast.
You know. The one that Shirley “Partridge” Jones actually joined. That her husband, wacky Marty Ingels, put through the wringer. Half a million views on youtube, without a single MSM mention.
With that lead singer whose weight goes up and down 200 lbs. every time he does a project. With the high voice that sounds like a girl half the time. Who thinks he’s Brian Wilson in the studio.
And Barbra Streisand in politics. Who’s got a crush on Monica Crowley. Monica Crowley!?!?!!?
You know. Those two guys who were precinct captains for Hillary Clinton in 2008 and were very slow in coming around and trusting Obama but made up for lost time the past three years.
The ambiguously gay duo who’ve lived together for too damn long.
What a freak show. A disaster in the making. And in THAT wreck of a house? During a to the pylons reno? No one has to semi-script this, just put them all together and watch the sparks fly.
Between them with their new found audience, and the rest of the world.
You know, SOMEDAY someone in the media or on MSNBC or the MSM is going to discover, fall in love with, and mention these folks, and it will be all over. Katie Couric? Rosie? Oprah? Ellen?
In a blink, their two reality TV shows will be on and flying, and you’ll have blown it.
Last chance. It’s wrapped up nicer than anything you’ve ever seen. You’ll never see or receive anything like it ever again.
Worst of all? Everyone else in the biz is getting one too this Christmas.
Who will open it first? Who will go into battle first?
Who will win first?