Help Us Win a $250,000 Grant From Chase!!

On Wednesday, November 6, 2013, in FF News, by Les

We have a chance to win a $250,000 small business grant from Chase to really get our TV shows off the ground.

We need 250 votes by November 15th. All you have to do is have a Facebook account, go here:

and click on the “Vote” button which will require you log in with your Facebook account through an app called “Facebook Connect.”

And that’s all!! We just need another 100 or so votes and we qualify!!

So please share our post about this on Facebook and please go vote for us!

And thanks so much!!! We’ll find out early in January, so this could really finally be the year for us!

And thanks so much for all your support!!! We couldn’t have ever gotten this far without each and every one of you!!
